Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Character Profiles

Creative Writing Students, please click "reply" to this post and then type in your character profile.  That way, we will each be able to read the profiles and refer to them as we are writing the story.

The URL for the Clockwork game is

Have fun!


  1. Name : ?
    Age : Late 20s
    Town/Country : USA
    Family : Only child, single
    Occupation : Freelance scientist of sorts
    Interests : Physics
    Ambition : Overtake dumbed-down leaders
    Thinks about : How the world works
    Weaknesses : Hasn't received as much of an education as he'd like as a result of the world's lack of leadership and the overall dumbification of the future.
    Notable Physical Features : Bony face, dark hair, average height

  2. Name: Edward Whalen
    Age: 14
    Occupation: Student
    Interests: Computers
    Ambition: Wants to form a computer company
    Notable features: Long hair

    - EW

  3. Name: Herbert Erickson

    Age: 27

    Country: USA

    Family: Mom - Sheryl Dad - Evret

    Occupation: No official job, so he gets his money by finding comic books and figurines and selling them online.

    Interests: Loves watching superhero movie, collecting specific comics, playing WOW (World of Warcraft) and Black Ops.

    Ambition: To get enough money to make it out of his parents basement and mingle with the ladies.

    Thinks about: Money and how else to spend it, girls, and beating the next level.

    Challenges: 1.He can't get girls because hes too fat, ugly, and never leaves his basement-home.
    2. Can't get enough money because he always spends it.
    3. Mom treats him like a baby - even around the bros.

    Notable Features: fat, has glasses because hes blind, has stubble, and is smelly.

  4. Name: Spencer
    Age: 23
    Town/Country: Wanders, doesn't really live anywhere
    Family: Only child, parents are split and live in different states
    Occupation: Bodybuilder
    Interests: Competing in the olympics
    Ambitions: To learn how to handle money and be successful in his life
    Thinks About: His future, the future of the world
    Weaknesses: Bad temper, no tolerance for dumb people
    Notable Physical Features: Very strong, about 7 ft, good looking, short brown hair

  5. -Character Sheet For Scientist-

    Name : Dr.Wrong (Bob Wrong)
    Age : 35
    Town/Country : Searsport, Maine

    Family: Wife-Jessica Wrong
    Son-Jake Wrong
    Daughter-Bertha Wrong
    Occupation : Scientist/Physicist

    Interests : Likes sports,
    spending time with kids,
    Ambition : To completely understand time and its properties.

    Thinks about : His ambition, the future of humanity, and his family.

    Weaknesses/Challenges: Teleports to a new world, needs to fix government and global crisis.

    Notable physical features: Bald, average height, average weight, wrinkly bull dog worn expression.

    -Gabriel Libby

  6. Amanda, age 18, is an intern with the scientist. Her ambition is to become a scientist. She thinks about time travel. Her weakness is that her vision is distorted such that everything is tinted pink. She is "curvey." Her boyfriend died. --Nicole

  7. Name: Jim Frank

    Age: 15

    Town/Country: Brocklynn, USA

    Family: 1 sister named George, 2 parents - moms named Melissa and dad named Greag

    Occupation: none

    Interests: sports and girls

    Ambition: to go to college and get a girl

    Thinks About: girls, video games, and sports training

    Weaknesses: Only has one arm, trouble with sports

    Notable Physical Features: Red hair, green eyes, one arm.

  8. Name: Ben or Benji

    Age: 22

    Family: All dead (except for little sister)

    Occupation: Cat Burglar

    Interests: Shiny things (when the orangitang part of him acts up)

    Notable Physical Features: 12% orangitang, very strong and agile


  9. Name:Bob Smith


    Town:New York City

    Family:mother- Jo Smith

    Occupation:police officer

    Interests:role playing games
    world of war craft

    Ambition: to reach level 100 on world of war craft and to collect all the pokemon cards

    Thinks about: he thinks about pokemon and wow all the time

    Conflict: his mom is kicking him out of the house so he has to find a place to live
