Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Prose Issues and a Prompt

Identify a question or issue related to your prose project. This is likely an issue that has come up as you have been working on the project. You may be wondering how to handle or better handle:
--descibing a person
--describing a place
--rising action
--resolution (ending)
--character names
--character's internal thoughts

#8 Extra Credit: Write about your hair. That's it: write about your hair. You might tell a story or story about your hair and will probably relate some feelings about your hair. Write for 10 ninutes without stopping. If you get to the end of one "thread," start another. See how many pages you can fill. Go for it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Read this from the Bottom Up

Why do we read from the top to the bottom? Do poems always need to be read that way?

See the poem at thestarlitecafe.com/poems/51/poem_8213044778.html to find out.